The Pilot Theory Course is aimed at pilots who are preparing to obtain a PPL(A) Licence and also covers the requirements of the Amateur Aviation Association for theoretical instruction for obtaining a ULL(A) Licence.
What does the pilot theory course cover?
The course content is based on the requirements of the Civil Aviation Authority and aims to prepare for examinations in the subjects of flight fundamentals, navigation, flight performance and planning, communication, human performance, operational procedures, meteorology, aviation law, ATC procedures, and general aircraft knowledge. But of course, it doesn’t stop there. You will also learn a lot of practical information that you will not only use on your exams but will also be useful in your future flying.
The course has a total of 56 hours over the course of one week, and the timetable is tailored so that participants can manage to come in the afternoon after work. Monday to Friday starts at 3 pm and Saturday and Sunday at 10 am.
Which instructors teach in the pilot theory course?
Among the instructors who teach in the course, there are pilots with thousands of hours flown on machines ranging from ultralights to airliners. The instructors cover pilots who you can also meet in your practical training, authors of flying books, and contributors to the Aeroweb portal.