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Rental of modern Cessna 172 SP

320 €

20-hour package: 280 €
Discount 800 €

Modern 4-seater aircraft for pilot training and stress free rental

A modern Cessna 172 SP aircraft with great equipment ready for your flying. We also use the aircraft for PPL(A) private pilot training.

Ready for your flying...

You can choose this aircraft with classic NAV III instruments or the latest Garmin 1000 avionics. We also use the aircraft for IR(A) endorsement training. We love to fly new and modern aircraft that have the best cockpit equipment. Come and check it out.

Easy rental of modern aircraft

What you need to rent the aircraft at any time

  • Valid PPL(A) pilot licence
  • Valid medical examination of at least 2nd class
  • Radiotelephonist licence
  • Total flight hours – 60 h (if training has not been performed on the type of the aircraft), total PIC hours – 25 h, total PIC hours in last 6 months – 10 h
  • Rental agreement
  • Pilot insurance with a deductible of  200.000 CZK (approx. 8.500 €) and operator’s accident cover (recommended)
  • Transition training for this aircraft

Insurance can be arranged online through the pilot insurance website.

After transition training you can rent this aircraft according to your needs. It is not a problem to agree on a rental for a whole day or for more days with hangarage outside Letňany airport.

Low price for modern aircraft rental

Rental of Cessna 172SPPrice without VAT
Rental of Cessna 172 SP – OK COK NAVIII320 €
20-hour package (discount 30 €/h)280 €
Rental of Cessna 172 SP G1000340 €
20-hour package (discount 30 €/h)330 €
Instructor 75 €
Prices include fuel and don´t include VAT 21 % or landing fees.

A 20-hour package with a discount of 800 €

After transition training on this aircraft, you can purchase a 20-hour package for your flights at a special low price. The hours must be used within 2 years of purchase and these hours can only be used for flights without an instructor and a maximum of 2 landings per hour.

More information on discount packages

Transition training for Cessna 172 SP

Transition training for Cessna 172 SP Quantity Price/hour In total without VAT
Aircraft rental 3 320 € 960 €
Instructor 4 75 € 300 €
Theory 2 75 € 150 €
Additional fees 1 140 € 140 €
In total: 1 550 €
Prices include fuel and don´t include VAT 21 % or landing fees.

Parameters of the Cessna 172 SP

Number of seats4
Cruising speed110 kt (200 km/h)
Range1 200 km
CeilingFL 140
Consumption36 liters per hour
AutopilotKAP 140
Price of the aircraft8 500 000 CZK

Come and try this aircraft

Come to us and experience what it is like to fly a plane and how the training is carried out. We will answer your questions regarding aircraft or training and fly the aircraft chosen by you for 30 minutes. 

Aircraft booking, pilot training and private flights

Kateřina Martínková

Flight dispatcher, private flights

You can also contact us on WhatsUp

The dispatch service is available on weekdays from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Outside these operating hours, this contact line is available only in emergencies for our clients who need to adjust/cancel their aircraft reservations. Or send us a request online.

On this aircraft you can get the following pilot licences


Commercial Pilot CPL(A)

Private pilot PPL(A)

Light aircraft pilot LAPL(A)

Sightseeing flights

Take a look at the range of flight trips we organise for our pilots and interested parties.

Training NIGHT – NIGHT

IFR training

Enroute IR – EIR Training

SEP LAND rating renewal

We have only new and modern planes with the best equipment in the cockpit

Let´s do it!

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