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ICAO Aviation English Exams

You can take the ICAO Aviation English exams online from all Europe (EASA countries)

One to two dates available each month. The exams work seamlessly with us. We look forward to meeting you.

For countries not subject to EASA supervision, we do not provide ICAO exams.

ICAO exam

In-person exam in Prague, Letňany
155 (final price)
  • For obtaining and renewal of the licence to communicate in English during VFR flights
  • On-campus format at LKLT
  • Exam takes 30 minutes
  • In case of repeating the exam, the price is only 79 € for 2 attempts.


From anywhere with an internet connection
155 (final price)
  • For obtaining and renewal of the licence to communicate in English during VFR flights
  • Online via ZOOM
  • Exam takes 30 minutes
  • In case of repeating the exam, the price is only 79 € for 2 attempts.

ICAO exam + Refresh course

3-hour course before the exam
240 (final price)
  • For obtaining and renewal of the licence to communicate in English during VFR flights
  • On-campus format at LKLT
  • Course 3 hours before the actual exam
  • Exam takes 30 minutes
  • In case of repeating the exam, the price is only 79 € for 2 attempts

We are authorized to perform ICAO exams for clients from the following countries


We organize the ICAO exams on weekends

ICAO Aviation English exams usually start at 1 pm and clients are scheduled in 60 minute blocks. We will inform you of your ICAO exam time in advance or it can be arranged with the flight school dispatch. In case you also plan to attend a Refresh course before the exam itself, it starts at 9 am and lasts 3 hours.

What is ICAO Aviation English exam?

Every pilot of an aeroplane or a helicopter who holds an IR or flies VFR abroad, except Slovakia, is required to pass the language exam – ICAO English.

The exam is time-limited and the level of proficiency is assessed on a six-point scale of 0-6, where 0 is no proficiency and 6 corresponds to a native speaker. The minimum required proficiency level for a pilot is 4 (operational level).

The successful client will receive certificate which must be delivered to the LAA or CAA to have the language competency enlisted in the licence.

How does the ICAO exam work?

Rules for the FCL.055 (a,b,c) exam 

The exam assesses general English proficiency (pronounciation, vocabulary, fluency, interaction, comprehension) including grammar, proficiency in technical aviation English, ability to understand recordings and simulated communication between ATC and the pilot.

Examination outline

  • Short introductory conversation
  • Listening to the ATIS
  • Decoding a simple NOTAM
  • Listening to a recording – analysis of the situation
  • Reading and explaining text from a regulation, aircraft manual or AIP
  • Describing an aeronautical picture (aircraft and its parts, instruments,airport layout …)
  • Simulation of communication between pilot and ATC (departure from uncontrolled/controlled airport, ATZ crossing, emergency communication …)

The exam takes approximately 25 – 35 minutes. We will tell you the result shortly after the exam.

We do not require a written test for the exam, only in case the client demonstrates knowledge between levels 4-5 and 5-6 after the oral exam.

If you fail, the exam can be retaken for 79 €, at the earliest in the next month to give you time to prepare.

What if I want to take the exam online?

You can take the ICAO exam online.

Online exam procedures and necessary equipment

Client must log in to the virtual classroom at least 5 minutes before given and agreed time and wait for the examiner’s acceptance. The content of the examination is the same as in the face-to-face form of the exam.

Required technical equipment

  1. Desktop computer or tablet with a camera with a resolution of at least 640 x 480 px, integrated or external microphone and a speaker. Unfortunately, a mobile phone cannot be used for the exam purposes.
  2. The ZOOM app installed
  3. Test your device before the exam at
  4. Ensure a good quality internet connection to enable video conferencing
  5. Pen/pencil and clean paper.

Exam dates and times

Online exams take place on the same dates as face-to-face exams. We will inform you of your ICAO exam time in advance or it can be arranged with the flight school dispatch.

Exam results

We will tell you the result shortly after the exam. If you pass, the electronically signed certificate will be sent to the email address provided.

More information about the examination process and rules will be provided upon binding order.

How long are the ICAO exam results valid?

The validity of the ICAO exam is based on the level achieved according to the table below. The language endorsment is only valid when delivered to LAA or CAA and only once it´s enlisted in your pilot license.


ICAO LEVEL 4valid 4 years 
ICAO LEVEL 5valid 6 years
ICAO LEVEL 6unlimited

Refresh-course before the English exam

The ICAO exam can be booked with a refresh-course that takes place before the exam (available only in classroom form). This 3-hour refresh-course will take you through the content of what you should already know. We’ll help you to take the exam with ease.

The refresh-course is not compulsory, it’s up to you whether you need it or not.

Individual ICAO exam date according to your needs

If none of the ICAO exam dates listed here are suitable for you, we can also arrange an exam on an individual date just for you. The exam is online. The price is 200 €.

Book a date

If you hold a foreign licence

If you hold a pilot licence issued by a foreign authority or will apply for a pilot licence issued by a foreign authority, it´s client´s responsibility to check with relevant CAA if the exam conducted in our flying school will be accepted and then give us the notice at least 5 calendar days before the exam. If the client fails to do so, he/she cannot be admitted to take the exam.

Why take the ICAO exam with us?

Because we love what we do :-)

  1. The exams are well organized and take up a minimum of your time.
  2. You will know the result immediately and you will receive a certificate of successful completion immediately.
  3. Exams are available at Prague Letnany Airport in a classroom form.
  4. You can take the exam online from the comfort of your home or office too.
  5. Individual and friendly attitude to each client and many other advantages, which you will appreciate.
  6. We are looking forward to seeing you.

Theoretical courses

Soňa Přikrylová

theoretical courses

For more information regarding theory courses, English and ICAO exams, please call:

The service is available on weekdays from 9 AM to 6 PM. If you don’t get through right away, count on us to call you back.

You will receive your certificate immediately after the exam


We specialise in aviation English

Aero Prague Flight School is an EASA approved organisation for ICAO flight crew testing and Aviation English tutoring.

Authorization CZ / ICAO ENGLISH 26

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